c a s e s t u d i e s
Plantrex Flower Shop
Analytical Investing
analytical investing
Methods Used
PPC advertising:
- hundreds of ads on:
- Google
- Yahoo!
- more...
Visitors per day:
- Apr: 18
- May: 36 <- PPC launch
- Jun: 80 <- More PPC
- Jul: 96
- Aug: 105 <- More PPC
- Sep: 119
- Oct: 153 <- More PPC
- Nov: 183
Analytical Investing: Stock ratings service
Site launched in early 2004, with little traffic and few subscriptions.
Competing against stock ratings and investing advice services with
very large internet advertising budgets. In May 2004, asked for help.
- Increase traffic and boost free trial subscriptions.
- Keep initial internet advertising budget low since free trials yield no revenue at the outset.
Launched PPC (pay per click) ad campaign on one major search engine in May 2004.
Created PPC ad campaign on an additional major search engine in June 2004.
Improved PPC ads as needed and added new keywords every few weeks.
Due to expensive bids on primary keywords, researched secondary keyword phrases
to expand ad campaigns while maintaining low CPC (cost per click).
In August 2004, launched new PPC ad campaign on a minor search engine.
Added additional minor search engine PPC advertising in October 2004.
This resulted in:
- Traffic doubled in 1 month
- Traffic quadrupled in 2 months
- Traffic quintupled in 3 months
- Trial subscriptions increased dramatically
- Traffic increased 10x in 7 months
Launch of Analytical Investing PPC Search Ads