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Use trackGoogleContentAds.cgi to see where your Google AdWords contextual ads are being displayed. This will help you determine whether or not to use Google's content network in your Google AdWords campaign. Also, now that Google will let you exclude sites from a campaign, you can use this tool to decide which domains to block. This free web analytics software will examine an Apache web server log and will display hits generated by clicks on Google contextual ads.

Each hit from a Google AdWords content ad will be displayed in a row with these columns:
  • Number of Hits
  • Domain
  • Link to Page Where Content Ad is (or was) Displayed
Keep in mind that Google will rotate through its AdWords contextual inventory when displaying ads through its content network. You might not see your ad when you click on a link generated by this report. However, this tool should still help provide some visibility as to how your Google AdWords content ads are being utilized.

trackGoogleContentAds.cgi - Uses a sample.log created from excerpts of one of our actual log files. We would never use our clients' logs. See our privacy policy.

Download script [UNIX] [Windows] to your machine.
Edit the line that reads:
so the CGI script will know where your Apache web server log file resides. Upload trackGoogleContentAds.cgi to a directory on your web server where you can run CGI scripts. Change permissions to make the file executable (chmod +x or chmod 755). If any of these instructions do not make sense, ask your webmaster or web hosting company to handle this for you. Or, contact us to become a client and we will install this free web analytics software and other custom search marketing reports on your site.

This free CGI script only works on web sites using the Apache web server on a UNIX platform. It will parse a web server log that is in Apache combined log format. The script is open source code.

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